Wellness at Clarity


Clarity culture

Here at Clarity, there is an ongoing effort to provide a healthy and flexible work environment that is both comfortable and ergonomic for all staff. Historically, we’ve had shared standing desks in the office for those who want to stand occasionally, but many people voiced interest in changing their personal desk style. To help meet the needs of all of our staff, we began a new practice earlier this year of offering the option to trade your sitting desk for a sit/stand version. In the first four months, 40% of Clarity’s staff opted in to the new sit/stand model. 

Sit/stand desks are not new to the workplace. This style of desk has been around a while; in fact, in 2013, I worked at a large corporation where sit/stand desks were the norm for all employees. Research shows that working at a standing desk can increase employee productivity, improve concentration, and lead to better overall health, so it’s no surprise that many companies are providing standing desks as an option for their staff.

Our commitment to wellness doesn’t end with the option for a sit/stand desk. Clarity makes staff wellness a priority by providing opportunities for all staff to participate in practices to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our horticulture committee maintains a Tower Garden to grow fresh vegetables for lunches and snacks in the office. Some members of the Clarity team also participate in a run/walk club, which meets daily during the regular workday. The wellness committee provides multiple opportunities for staff to engage in healthy activity — offering yoga classes at no charge and leading stretches at breaks during meetings. In their newest opportunity, the wellness committee is sponsoring a “Healthy Selfie challenge” to encourage staff to be active outside of the workday. They celebrated with spinach, banana, and blueberry smoothies for all!

Providing opportunities and support for staff to prioritize wellness helps to create a culture at Clarity where people feel valued, respected, and more productive. Not to mention our new photo library of our Award-Winning "Sweatiest Selfie," "Selfie That Made Us Say Aww," and "No Hands: Most Impressive Timer Selfie."

Have any ideas about maintaining your team's wellness? Let us know at [email protected]!