Online Community Support

Understanding user needs and designing a community homepage based on clear user flows and marketing objectives.


NWEA wanted to expand the reach and value of its online community, the NWEA Connection. NWEA realized it didn't have the expertise necessary to create user interaction design approaches for testing within its community and an editorial calendar and associated content.


Clarity created NWEA's community homepage designs based on defined user flows, marketing objectives, prior feedback, and our deep knowledge of the education audience. We updated the information architecture of the community to show how the homepage could function as a content aggregator as well as modeling consistent sub-navigation based on user-paths and marketing objectives. Our team wrote a user survey to solicit input on the two community homepage designs and conducted user feedback sessions at NWEA’s annual Fusion Conference. We also authored a comprehensive editorial roadmap and community content calendar before authoring and posting a rich collection of articles and multimedia content.

NWEA community homepage screenshot