ICT and STEM Education Transformation


Career and technical education

For the New Year, here’s a little food for thought regarding STEM education transformation and the use of ICT. We all understand that the products and services of the future will depend on engineers, scientists, and technology experts to create them. But how does ICT fit into this increasingly significant role of STEM education?

ICT assists students in collaborating with peers and experts, designing products, collecting and analyzing performance data, and, in many cases, actually helping them build products. The use of ICT can enhance both the practical and theoretical aspects of STEM teaching and learning.

Consider the following potential contributions of STEM technologies:

  • Enhance work production through ICT tools that expedite lengthy or difficult manual processes, leaving more time for critical thinking, discussion, and data interpretation.
  • Assist with collecting and analyzing data, particularly through the use of mobile fieldwork tools.
  • Increase the prevalence and scope of relevant information by linking school STEM learning to contemporary knowledge and providing access to experiences not otherwise feasible.
  • Improve educational outcomes through self-regulated and collaborative learning that increases student motivation and engagement.
  • Increase global awareness through collaboration with field experts and international classrooms.
  • Support exploration and experimentation by providing immediate, visual feedback.
  • Focus attention on real-world applications of STEM concepts through relevant technologies.

ICT offers access to a wide variety of Internet resources and tools that facilitate and extend opportunities for STEM learning both inside and outside the classroom. In my opinion, I think that we are only just starting to see the effect. As new technologies develop around education transformation, I believe the effect will be even greater.